
Ambition vs Reality

How did you feel on your first day at a new job? Apprehensive? Excited? Confident? Or did you feel like an impostor? I remember how proud I was to take on the title of “graphic designer” right from day one. I actually felt the opposite of impostor syndrome: I was so excited that I didn’t have time to dwell on my blissful ignorance.

I felt like an invincible designing machine, ready to solve all the world’s creative needs despite being in the job less than a fortnight and having never produced any proper client work in my role. That excitement gave me a false sense of security – I was armed with heaps of ambition and none of the necessary doubt. I thought I knew I what it took to turn the visions in my head into a reality.

But when I look back into what I used to produce, ambition and reality didn’t match. Sometimes not even in the slightest.

I was blindly willing to fight over simple stuff with the client where I was clearly in the wrong. I was being a fool – and worst of all, I wasn’t even aware I was. As time passed and my willingness to fight receded, I began to achieve some sort of balance and less desire to always dominate the process.

We need to be the client’s best friend, guide, concierge, confidant and trusted buddy to enable the best working setup possible. While all of that won’t be always possible, human interaction is one the most vital ingredients in a successful creative process. Nothing beats the moment when you click with a prospective client from the first handshake. It feels like a half of the project is won already. 

You are the face of your business, and your work is the face of your creativity. Make sure people can see both from the outset. No one likes an asshole. The day you take on a fancy new job title is the day when the journey begins. It might take a while until you ambitions start resembling the reality. 

Many years later, I feel I’m getting closer to turning my ambitions into reality; and part of that is realising I am still very much at the beginning. 

⟶ Excerpt taken from Book of Ideas - Vol.2 - released 07/09/2018

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Date: 4.11.2019          Category: #work

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